Call Us : +91 8010600900


Admission Information

Admission in Pretty Petals School remains open throughout the year on first come first serve basis depending on the availability of seats in the respective branch.

Age Criteria

Toddler/Sepals 1+ 1.5-2.5
Tepals 2+ 2.5-3.5
Corolla 3+ 3.5-4.5
Blossom- I 4+ 4.5-5.5
Blossom- II 5+ 5.5+

Documents required at the time of admission:

Copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a civic body.

Three passport size photographs of the child and one passport size photograph of both the parents.

One passport size photograph of the attendant/ relative who would be responsible for collecting child from the school or school transport (other than parents)..



B-2474,B-Block,Indira Nagar,Lucknow-16
Uttar Pradesh 226016,
Call: +91 8010600900

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